The HT40 Foundation exists to do nothing more than what one young man did himself - bring people together with kindness and compassion, leaving no one left apart.
Our Mission
Is to build a culture of mutual support and encouragement, one peer group at a time.
Because so many of us, for so many reasons, could use a pat on the back, reminding us WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Our Vision
Is for a world where everyone feels A PART of something together,
and not APART from one another.
Our Goal
Is to encourage young men and women to simply be there for their peers, reinforcing social connections and leaving no one out, through our own initiatives and by supporting like-minded organizations working to make a similar impact.
Our Foundation
Is built on kindness, encouragement and empathy, aiming to help everyone feel more connected to one another.
“I’ve never met someone as likable as Hayden. He was so disarmingly charming, that I would just marvel at him. I feel lucky to have known him. He made so many people happy just to be around him and you were so damned glad just to have him in your class.”
“Hayden would take anyone in, talk to everyone. He would never turn someone away. He somehow managed to make everyone feel special.”
“Everyone knew I wasn’t the best player on the team, but Hayden always made me feel like I was.”
“I don’t really talk to many people and I know I’m sort of seen as an outsider, but Hayden would always talk to me as a friend, like he did with everyone.”

Please consider making a donation.
The #HT40 Foundation is an all-volunteer, 501c3 pending, registered non-profit organization.
If you’d like to help support us as we work to make a difference, please click the button below to contribute through our donation site.
Kindness is Reciprocal
“People who feel more connected to others have lower levels of anxiety and depression. Moreover, studies show they also have higher self-esteem, greater empathy for others, are more trusting and cooperative and, as a consequence, others are more open to trusting and cooperating with them.
In other words, social connectedness generates a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical well-being.”
Kindness is Simple

Building a Culture of Mutual Support
Our Foundation’s work is not born of intervention. There are many great organizations working in our communities showing up for those most in need. Our initiative is, by design, up-stream from intervention and all-inclusive, advocating for empathy and kindness, for creating connections and mutual support for one another, rooted in the science of social connection.

The #HT40 Foundation draws its inspiration directly from the life and spirit of Hayden Cole Thorsen, who left us all far too soon and too suddenly in May of 2022.
Hayden, a student and an athlete who proudly wore #40, was a friend and a peer to all who knew him, never hesitating to put an arm around someone’s shoulder.
He was a natural leader with an inviting presence that always started with a welcoming smile and a warm “how’s it going?” He was inclusive and encouraging of everyone around him – friends and competitors alike. He intuitively pulled people together, making everyone feel a part of the group.
The #HT40 Foundation exists to do nothing more than Hayden would have done himself, which is bring people together with kindness and compassion, leaving no one left apart.