Year Two. Year 19.
Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the incorporation of The #HT40 Foundation, on the day HT40 would have turned 19. It’s a day we will always celebrate, not for the numbers themselves, but out of gratitude and love for the young man that inspires us.
We’ve come a long way in just a short time, because the idea he gave us is so relatable and true. The enormous power of the simplest gestures. A hand on a shoulder - a moment of celebration, encouragement or consolation - we all understand what it means, but we’re also equally capable of extending and receiving it.
And that is the goal of this whole thing. To inspire and empower everyone to share that simple moment with as many people as possible. To look after one another to the point it’s second nature.
A Snapshot of 2024
And it is thanks to all the supporters and Shoulder Checkers out there that we’ve reached so many people. In the last year we’ve:
Partnered with NHL, PWHL and AHL franchises up and down the east coast with a trip to the west coast lined up for March
Created formal corporate partnerships with leading local and national business in categories as diverse as our audience
Reached millions with our message across social channels, through influencers and sports leagues and IRL across NYC with dedicated (donated) billboards focused around Times Square
Rang the Nasdaq Opening bell to coincide with our Times Square activation (it is actually a button on a screen…)
Not to mention the 2nd Annual Shoulder Check Showcase that was fire! Check out the recap film below.
More importantly, we’re transcending messaging and creating meaningful engagement:
Tens of thousands of people have placed hands on each other’s shoulders and made the commitment to “Reach Out, Check In and Make Contact.” And by next weekend that number will in fact be over 100,000
50 youth hockey programs and counting have made the commitment a part of their team culture
Run year-long pilot programs in middle schools, bespoke to their student bodies and the unique needs of their communities
Engaged High Schoolers throughout New England and now across Western Pennsylvania, through athletic departments and non-sports programs alike. Over 20 high schools and counting.
Brought the Shoulder Check to the university level both on the ice, on the field, but also in the classroom through an adjunct professorship
In the coming days we’ll be announcing our new board members and plans for the year ahead. We’ve locked in July 24th, 2025 for the 3rd Annual Shoulder Check Showcase. And there is so much more to come. But that is for another day.
In closing on this day, we’re sharing a portion of a letter written for Hayden. For anyone who knew him, there is no doubt it will ring as true as the idea he inspired.
A Tribute to HT40
Shoulder Check In Action!
Come Out And Support The Shoulder Check This Holiday Season!
As #NHL #PWHL and #AHL clubs around the country host their mental health and awareness nights, we’re incredibly fortunate to have the chance to be a part of it and two of them are coming up this week!
What better way to spend the holidays together with friends and family than coming out to support your favorite teams and benefiting the Shoulder Check while you’re at it!
Come see the Hartford Wolfpack take on the Providence Bruins and support the Shoulder Check along the way. Grab your tickets HERE and a portion of your ticket purchase will benefit #HT40 and The Shoulder Check.
That link again:
Or maybe Sunday is the day to come out and support the NY Sirens as they on the Ottawa Charge at their Mental Health Awareness Game. Grab your tickets HERE and you’ll get 15% off and a chance to spend some time with Shoulder Check before the game at our Mixer event.
That link again:
Over the coming weeks there will be many more opportunities to come out and support the Shoulder Check locally and in partnership with NHL and AHL clubs up and down the east coast. And stay tuned to learn more about our first trip out to the west coast later this winter!
Hope to see you out there and Happy Holidays!
Hey, what’s happening with Shoulder Check?
Well, let me tell you, quite a bit actually! Check out the recap below and stay tuned for plenty more coming up now through the end of the year.
Reach out and let us know your ideas to help spread the message. Hit us up at
Talk to you soon!
The 2nd Annual Shoulder Check Showcase and Good Morning America
Today we’ve got two pretty exciting things to share.
First, in case you haven’t gotten the word, we’re all ready to go for the 2nd Annual Shoulder Check Showcase presented by Prentiss Hockey Performance and Tickets will be available soon!
Stay tuned - we’ll be announcing roster players (20 pros already committed!), partners and some amazing creators coming to join us on the ice to make this event a memorable one as we continue to work to Make Kindness a Contact Sport!
And stick around for our first Shoulder Check Youth Showcase tournament, which will run throughout the weekend with fields of boys and girls teams at the AAA u14 level.
Next up - it was a big morning for The Shoulder Check as the initiative was featured on Good Morning America, where they perfectly captured our message of kindness and empathy. This simple message of support continues to resonate with everyone who sees it and we’re grateful to have had the chance to share it with an audience that spans the nation. Check it out here (and pass it on!):
Year One. Year 18.
Today marks the 1st anniversary of The #HT40 Foundation on the day HT40 would have turned 18.
It’s impossible to say where Hayden would be today, what he would have accomplished or continue to achieve.
But with absolute certainty, we know he would have done what he always did, which is simply be a hand of kindness, inspiration, and support on our shoulders.
A small act that makes a big impact.
Through The #HT40 Foundation and The Shoulder Check, we’re on a mission to make more of those small actions, making ever greater impact.
Our inaugural Shoulder Check Showcase this past August brought thousands together to share in that experience.
Since that day we’ve worked to inspire people to Make Contact with one another with the support of NHL clubs all the way through to Youth programs. At schools and across campuses.
Tomorrow we’ll be with the Washington Capitals, who will be featuring the Shoulder Check in their programing for the day, as they work to bring awareness to mental health and wellness through their participation in the NHL’s Hockey Talks program.
In the year ahead we’ll continue building connections with programs big and small, with brands and thought leaders, creating and launching new ways to help people Make Contact with one another. At the rink, and well beyond it.
Because we might not always know who might need a hand, but we all have a hand to give.
That’s how Hayden lives on with all of us. Through every small act that adds to the impact we’re all making. Together.
What are the three hardest words to say in any language?
November 28, 2023
Today, and any other day, The #HT40 Foundation would be grateful for your support.
But before you consider that, first find someone and give them a hand. Give them a hug. Give them something to let them know you are there for them.
You have something to give more valuable than money. It’s your kindness. Your empathy. Your generosity. Because it can be impossible to know if someone is struggling. And asking for help is about the hardest thing in the world to do.
That’s what Shoulder Check is all about - making the world an easier place to ask for help, simply by being there for each other.
It’s a commitment to reaching out, checking in and making contact with those around you. A Shoulder Check is something we all can do. It’s as simple as a “hey, how’s it going?” to ensure the person next to you feels appreciated, supported and loved.
The more we reach out and check in, the more likely we are to make contact with those in need.
So if you give only one thing, today or any day, give someone the simple kindness of a hand on their shoulder.
And if you are inclined to give to Shoulder Check and The #HT40 Foundation, today or any day, there are many meaningful ways to do it.
If you have ideas to give, reach out to us. If you have time to give, reach out to us. If you have advice to give, reach out to us. If you are willing to be a part of the mission, spread the word.
And after all that, please consider giving to The #HT40 Foundation at or or at our donation page here.
The Shoulder Check Showcase is on for August 3rd at Terry Connors Rink in Stamford CT. 6 - 9pm. Lot opens at 4pm.
Tickets are now available at
Come out and support the launch of Shoulder Check alongside NHL All Stars and our local communities.
We’ll show everyone how easy it is to Reach Out, Check In and Make Contact!
The Shoulder Check
Shoulder Check - the first initiative form The #HT40 Foundation.
On this important day we’re pleased to announce the launch of The #HT40 Foundation’s first initiative – Shoulder Check.
Shoulder Check is on a mission to turn kindness into a contact sport. To show people that ‘being there’ is as simple as reaching out, checking in, and making contact. Being the hand on a shoulder that lets someone know – “I’m here with you.”
Everyone loves the idea of a 'random act of kindness.' But the thing is, kindness isn't random at all. It is a commitment, and it creates meaningful connections that matter more than most people realize. Those small gestures – a simple hand on a shoulder, a smile of acknowledgement or just “you good?” – they matter.
That's why we've created The Shoulder Check - to inspire young men and women everywhere to actively commit to supporting one another, and to give them a way to do it.
Shoulder Check is making Kindness a Contact Sport.
The movement will formally launch the evening of August 3rd at Terry Connors Rink in Stamford CT, where we’ll host a star-studded charity hockey game – The Shoulder Check Showcase. We’ll host two games actually – a 2006 birth year showcase and an NHL player game. Some of the biggest names in the sport – Men’s and Women’s – will be on the ice. And everyone in the building will make the commitment together to officially launch the initiative.
We’re signing up programs across the country to take part in making the commitment. We’ve got scores of high schoolers and college students working to spread the word. We’ve got world class communications partners working pro bono contributing entire teams to making this a success. And most incredibly, a core team made up completely of friends and loved ones, contributing not just their time and effort but personifying the very ideal that is the Shoulder Check. It’s incredible.We’re grateful and honored.
Details for the event will be announced soon. Follow @TheShoulderCheck on Instagram and visit for more info.
See you all there.
Introducing The HT40 Foundation
We’re officially a registered non-profit..
January 12, 2023
Today The #HT40 Foundation’s application for incorporation was officially submitted to the State of Connecticut.
We chose this date in honor of Hayden, as the young man and the foundation he inspired now share the same birthday.
We’re determined to ensure this day remains an annual day of celebration, just as it would be if Hayden were here with us. And just as we’d come to this day and look back at a year lived along with anticipation for the year ahead in the life of a young man, we’ll do the same with the work he has inspired.
Through that lens we’ve spent the last few months preparing and organizing ourselves. We’ve locked arms together as founding members, lined up the resources and partners we need to support us, and begun work on our first initiative, tentatively slated for this coming August.
We’re very fortunate to already be working with a world-class creative agency, an all-star influencer, and a premiere youth sports organization in addition to several meaningful youth programs in and around our community as partners in this initiative.
Please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the Home Page to stay up to date on our progress in bringing this idea to life.
It wasn’t long ago one of our board members left a career in marketing and advertising, with the open-ended intention of “making something new.” We’re setting out on this journey with hope and optimism, thinking maybe the thing we can make is a difference, just like Hayden would have.